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A 16 year old college student studying Photography, Graphics, English Language, Computing and Geology. I'll post book and film reviews, art or photography I enjoy and any music which I like.

15 Oct 2010

The Social Network.

"No one man should have all that power
The clock's ticking, I just count the hours"
  This song gets in my head, any time I hear the trailer of The Social Network. I do love the song though.


  Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake play main roles in the new film about Facebook. Now, it's not a film about the users and daily use of Facebook, that would be weird and boring. It "explores the moment at which Facebook,... was invented". That sounds better, could be interesting and maybe even funny in places.

  Even the reviews look good, and that's rare. I've seen many films that reviewers disliked that I've really enjoyed so I've pretty much come to the conclusion that most people who write reviews aren't reliable and will follow what others say. The fact I write that and then want to write some professional reviews in the future is hypocrisy in itself. However, a film rated 8.5/10 has got to be well written/directed, surely?

  David Fincher, the director of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Panic Room and the last of the Alien trilogy, directs this film and Aaron Sorkin, the writer of The West Wing and A Few Good Men, wrote the screenplay. I admit, I had to Google them and look at their IMDb profiles to find any of that out, but I've heard of the other titles and I know they're good. So maybe their prowess has rubbed off on The Social Network.

  I'm writing all of this out of presumption and hopefulness as I haven't seen it yet but want to, and soon.

P.S. I apologise for the bitty, non-flowy writing... It's late.

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